Now most of the people sat here reading this are most likely to have been through their years at secondary school or at some point through the process. Now we all know what happens at the end of your long and treacherous journey through education.. It's those pesky GCSEs. Now as I finally find myself coming to the end of a long and lengthy period of examinations I begin to question the system (well it's a good job I didn't do it earlier than now or I may have just screwed up my life eh?). So much appears to rest on your GCSEs. Your college placements, Jobs, Uni and countless other seemingly uber important things in life. Yet as I confer with fellow pupils both before and after examinations the doubt really has set in. We really aren't giving everyone a fair crack at the game are we? Now I've always prided myself on being in the top sets for well everything and have been aspiring for those top grades for as long as I can remember. I behaved, tried my best and got lucky. There's only a limited number of places in a class and some people are inevitably going to lose out. On average more than half in the people in the second set of a subject would cope perfectly well in the top set. These people are then taking up the places of the people who would cope perfectly well in the second set.. And so the cycle goes on - Catch 22. So you'd you'd think that teachers would adjust what they teach accordingly and effectively teach some sets the same thing. If only it were that simple. You will only get taught what is needed for a specific grade.. Nice huh? So you're in set 4 and they'll only teach you what you need for a D grade when you could probably get an B if you were taught what you needed to know. God help set 6... These people are perfectly capable of achieving top grades but teachers just simply aren't teaching them what they need to know. The current setting system is limiting peoples potential - People are not being taught the skills they need. I have a friend in set 3 who needs to take higher to get to where she wants in life but the school refuse to put her in this tier because she's in set 3 and isn't taught any of the material she needs to know.
Is there anyone else out there who thinks this is amazingly unfair? Surely we should be helping people to get the best grades they possibly can but all we're doing is inhibiting them. This is something which really really angers me. Anyone else up for making a stand?
"long and lengthy" got stuck for a word did you jemzi, and there's no way set 6 could get "top grades" as you say. That's one hell of an exaggeration jemzi. And by the way teachers are supposed to set work accordingly so that every child is stretched, of course you won't have noticed much as sets are pretty similar but it does happen. Get your facts right jemzi and quit with the huges exaggerations. Appart from that i'm enjoying your blog, it's a good laugh.
It helps get my point across.. And I did some research before i wrote this you know?
Yeap so true, i was in top set for most things back in teignmouth but after i took mock exams RIGHT after comming to barnstaple im stuck with foundation exams for quite a few things :(
They need to get rid of the mindset of teachers saying "Keep up like this and you can get a D!". Why not teach us what we really need to know and dont hold back those people who CAN acheve higher than a C if they had the chance?
Well i am not sure i should be writing this since i have absoulty no idea who will read this (idicating my tutor head of maths). However, i have found this problem at my school, when i took up the courage to talk to my tutor about she still didn't believe i was cappable of getting the grade i wanted. I am perfectly capable of doing higher tier maths given then chance to learn. But apperntly since i didn'i understand all the stuff at b grade i was not allowed to do a grade. This was when i took it into my own hands and taught myself A grade stuff perfectly fine and i understood it all. All i wanted was the chance is that so much to ask?
There sure are some deluded people out there!
Hmm.. Yes.. If I knew what your view was I'd comment
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