Thursday, 4 September 2008

Weather Watch

Meeting new people. Whether you love it or loathe it, we’ve all got to master the art of making friends out of complete strangers at some point. Let’s face it; life’d be pretty boring without at least someone to talk to along the way. So when you meet someone new how best to get things going without them running for the hills? Ideally don’t jump up and down failing your arms wildly but if you do get as far a polite conversation then you know the drill. Don’t talk about religion, politics or the weather. The good old British weather. Now we never talk about that do we? Have we all seem to have forgotten the basic fundamentals of talking without boring the brains out of our peers? Not a day has gone past for weeks without me receiving some form of communication telling me how shocking the weather is or about the lack of sunshine we seem to be receiving in this country. Nope, I can honestly say I haven’t noticed the lashing torrents of rain pouring down upon us and the constantly greyscale sky. . . Of course persistently awful weather can get you down, but talking about it none stop will only make you sink lower. I don’t need anymore people to point out the obvious or to be woken by text messages telling me how shocking it is if open my curtains (It’s quite nice to just pretend it might be a pleasant surprise lurking through the window. . . Even though there won’t be.) As bored as I am of this weather, I’m even sicker of it being the only thing anyone ever talks about these days. Can we just learn to accept what we have and make the best of it? Life truly is what you make it and there’s an infinite list things you can do to amuse yourself on a rainy day, you just need to think of them. Have a movie day, cook something, go down to your local sports centre or if all else fails go dancing in the rain. It’s all about the people you’re with, not the weather, and life’s to short to waste a second.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear............

i don't about the weather or rather we don't. I get on with it and do sumin else.

But yes i do agree with you there.