Wednesday 2 September 2009

One Year On. .

A hapless wanderer of the world wide web happens by chance to stumble across a strange and dormant website. . What is this site? Bambi Poppins. . So you may ask yourself, how could a girl who spends half her time writing about the last Eurovision skirt contest possibly get so busy she fails to write to her alternative little blog for over a year? I hope you're prepared for this. . Bambi has a real life just like you! Oh yes boys and girls. . You heard right. . Everyone's favourite cartoon deer got a little tied up in the ways of the world to be posting.

It sounds like the same old usual naff excuse you may come across on and old Joe Bloggs' site but I have actually been really busy with several English pursuits, including spending a week in Oxford University as well as currently being the work assistant girl at a local paper among other things. But all is not lost for the occasional cyber wanderer who may still stumble across me. .

After a year out I've finally come up with some fresh ideas of things to annoy me and I'll also be looking to pass on what I've learnt in my time out on how to get your foot up the ladder in several different forks of life, so overall we'll hopefully end up with a much more varied and interesting blog.

So for now guys


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